Vacancy (2007) is a thriller movie starring Kate Beckinsale and Luke Wilson. A Couple becomes stranded at an isolated motel and they find something terrific. The Movie is supposed to maintain the audience on the edge of their seats. Did it succeed? Lets See in detail.

Amy Fox (Kate) and her husband after deciding to divorce are moving back home from a party in their car. The car breaks down and they get to move into the nearby motel. There they happen to watch  video tapes and shockingly the video tapes are found shot in the room they are staying. The Video tape contains cruel murders of the inmates of the motel. 

This is where the movie kickstarts and they have to find a way out of the motel. But the murderers wearing a mask similar to Jason (Friday 13th), are trying to hunt them down. Even the police department could not help them. 

The movie could have been better. It failed to create thrill that it should have done. Its a normal thriller and with a climax similar to tamil movies. Just like a fairy tale. Everything was fine. The scenes were very common and easily guessable. 

Hero tries to kill the villains throughout the movie but he couldnt but kate does it in about 10 minutes. Could have done it before. Nothing was special about that movie. A one time watch. 

My rating- 6 out of 10