cristiano ronaldo witch doctor ghana knee injury

Cristiano Ronaldo is facing a severe knee injury which makes his place in worldcup 2014 doubtful.  Meanwhile,Nana Kwaku Bonsam, a Witch doctor from Ghana has said that he will rule Ronaldo out of the Brazil worldcup in February 2014. Now he claims that he is responsible for this knee injury that he is facing and that he wont let ronaldo play this worldcup against Ghana.

Nana, says that he has developed a special powder mixed along with some potions and was applied on Cristiano's Caricature which made this knee injury. Portugal is set to face Ghana on 26th this month and this man said that he is working seriously on CR7 and that he will surely miss this game against Ghana.

He also said that he is developing a special spirit using some dogs and that he will surely rule Cristiano out of the worldcup.